Mar. 11 2020 – Due to Coronavirus Concerns Council Activities Suspended Until Further Notice

We just received a message from Supreme Knight Carl Anderson issuing safety guidelines for the coronavirus outbreak.  Please read his letter:

March 11, 2020
Dear Fraternal Leader,

The Knights of Columbus is carefully monitoring the coronavirus situation and its impact on the Order. Since the virus is spread by personal contact, containment efforts stress social distancing by restricting travel, meetings and other gatherings. Accordingly, the Supreme Council most strongly recommends the following actions to protect brother Knights and others:

• Cancel all personal contact meetings, including business meetings, until further notice.
• Cancel all planned events, where people would gather, until further notice.
• Cancel all travel for Knights of Columbus business until further notice.

There are many ways to continue council operations without face to face contact. Here are some suggestions:

• Conduct meetings by conference call, Skype, Google Groups or other methods.
• Use a webinar service for large meetings like monthly business meetings.
• Allow member votes by email or text to approve bills and candidate admissions.
• Use the email feature of Officers Online for member communications.
• Set up a call tree to contact members and ascertain their wellbeing.
• Conduct degree ceremonies in homes using the combined Exemplification of Charity, Unity and Fraternity video or the First Degree video.
• Use applications like “Go fund me” to digitally raise funds for causes.

Additional information is available for members and their families on the websites of the CENTER FOR DISEASE CONTROL and WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION. Be aware that the elderly and sick are highly vulnerable to this disease.

This is a moment to deepen our commitment to the very principles which define us: charity, unity and fraternity. There will likely be many opportunities in coming weeks to live out these principles in service to our brother Knights, our families and our communities. May this time of difficulty also be a moment when we as Knights step into the breach and show ourselves to be disciples of Jesus Christ and men at the service of others.

Carl A. Anderson
Supreme Knight