Fr. Clive Otieno invites all Men of the Parish and Diocese of Joliet to attend his presentation on “Leading Others to Christ in the Secular Society” on Thursday Feb. 24 at 5:30—8:00 PM at St. Irene Church. There will be a live stream on the St. Irene Facebook Page.
Catholic Man Night is organized by the Fishers of Men of the Joliet Diocese. Meetings are monthly with local men to participate in Adoration, Reconciliation, a manly feast, and then proceed to discuss topics of faith and reason that relate directly to men and the struggles they encounter.
“Mission: Fishers of Men equips men of all ages to be committed disciples of Jesus Christ and better husbands, fathers and men in their local community.”
“Empowerment: Enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of Parish men’s groups and various outreach activities to help create lasting, positive change in men’s lives.
Brother Knights you are Encouraged to Participate.