GK Column – Merry Christmas by GK Tom Perez

Merry Christmas!  The weather is finally getting cold and we may actually see some snow in the coming days.  The weather outside may be chilly (and the Bears season may over) but our council has many great events in the coming weeks to keep everyone busy. 

The church grounds have been expertly decorated once again by Bob Rauko and your fellow brother Knights.  Many thanks to everyone who came out to help make the church beautiful for our parishioners and the many visitors who come to St. Irene’s during the Christmas Season.

Our December Business Meeting will be held on Thursday, December 8 at Cupertino Home.  Cupertino Home is located directly across the street from the south parking lot at the NE corner of Warren and Woodlawn.  Just knock on the front door and join us for our meeting and some pizza.  Our council, as well as many other surrounding councils, support Cupertino Home, and several of the residents are members of our council.

Sunday, December 11 is our annual KC Christmas Party in the St. Irene Activities Center.  This is one of our most well-attended and popular family events of the year. Invite your friends and family (especially prospective Knights) for this free event.

The council will be selling our Keep Christ in Christmas buttons and car magnets after each mass during Advent.  This is a popular fundraiser and Bob Geary has picked out some great new magnet designs that are sure to be popular.  Please consider coming to the back of church after Communion and help sell these items for a couple minutes following mass.

My family will be traveling to my hometown in Northern California to spend Christmas with my extended family.  Whether you are traveling or staying close to home, I want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas. I hope the Advent season brings many blessings to you and your family. 

Vivat Jesus!

GK Tom Perez