The Share Your Soles 2021 shoe drive is scheduled for the weekends of October 9-10 and October 16-17. Collection bins will be placed in the ACL. The shoes will picked and removed after Sunday Masses are finished each week. I will need help with the drive this year as we lost a couple of regulars that ordinarily help out. Please call at 630-983-6159 or email me at if you can help.
Joe Kubal
Polyneuropathies where the sudomotor nerves are damaged cause less sweating from the extremities and compensatory sweating from the head and torso. This compensatory sweating can be misinterpreted as primary general hyperhidrosis. The polyneuropathy can be known as it is in a diabetic but can also be discovered during an examination and must then be investigated and treated if possible. Sweating during the day and at night is a sub-symptom of the menopause in many women. While other climacteric symptoms disappear, the sweating continues in a significant share of women. As many as 10 per cent of all women suffer from postmenopausal hyperhidrosis 10 years after the menopause 11 .
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