Feb. 13—Virtual KC Super Bowl Raffle and Party – An Update

     You are invited to participate in the 26th Annual Knights of Columbus Super Bowl Raffle to be on Feb. 13 during the Super Bowl game.  The raffle will be conducted at a party at the St. Irene Activity Center.  A Zoom meeting link will also be provided to participate virtually. 

     Buy your tickets earlyOne more Early Bird drawings will be held Feb. 6.  Early bird raffle winners remain eligible for drawings on Super Bowl Sunday. Download the ticket order form from this link:  SuperBowlRaffleTickets2022.pdf and follow the directions on how to return your payment and tickets.  You may also contact PGK James Halama at jrhalama@comcast.net or at 630-433-6240.

     As in previous years, the raffle is based on purchasing squares in three separate football pools.  For the Faith and Hope Pools the tickets are $25 per square, and for the Charity pool the tickets are $50 ticket per square.  The squares and numbers for each ticket are assigned randomly.  Cash prizes ranging from $25 to $500 will be awarded throughout football game on Super Bowl Sunday. Read the KCPoolRules.pdf describing how to interpret the score sheets and raffle rules.

     The Raffle is a major fundraiser for the St. Irene Knights of Columbus Council.   It is a 50-50 cash raffle with half of the proceeds awarded to participants, and the other half retained by the local Council to be used for programs that benefit the St. Irene’s Parish, high school scholarships, and community outreach programs.

     This is a major fundraiser for the CouncilWe need your help in selling tickets.  There is one week left.