Results of Feb. 3 Knights of Columbus Youth Free Throw Challenge

Here are the winners, and their number of winning baskets, of the St. Irene Knights of Columbus Free Trow Competition  held on Saturday, February 3.

                                    Age Bracket                            Baskets

Brock Farmer                          9                                  5

Sophia Hansen                       9                                  3

Jack D.                                    10                                6  (Won tie breaking contest:  9 out of 15)

Declan Duffy                          11                                6

Caden Synal                           12                                10

Payton Mowinski                    13                                4         

It was a very enjoyable day for the girls and boys who participated, their parents/guardians, and the volunteers who helped make it possible.  Thank you to all the children who participated, and to their parents/guardians. 

Tom Nemo

Marc Alleruzzo,  Grand Knight,  Knights of Columbus, Council 6710


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