Newman Apostolate Charity Fund Drive

     The fund helps Newman Centers at colleges and universities in Illinois provide a Catholic faith-based environment for college students. Your support means that Newman Centers around the state can do spiritual and social programming to help students remain as one with their faith while they are away from their home parish.

     For over 100 years, the Brother Knights in Illinois have joined “Together as One” with strong support for our college-age family members and I hope that you will continue to do so this year and help us reach the state goal of 210,145.  Our Council goal is $5.00 per active member, or $675.

     Please consider a gift this year. Donate online at, or send a check. Consider becoming a $100 Century donor and receive a commemorative pin. With a check, you must send it along with the Donation Card (print from the online screen). You may also look for the donation card to be sent to you from the state. Indicate your level of giving from $5 up to $100.   Mail in your donation to Illinois State Council KofC Charities, Inc., P.O. Box 681, Kankakee, IL 60901. Please write Newman Fund, Council number (6710 for St. Irene’s)  and your Membership number on the memo section of your check.


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