Feb. 17—St. Irene Chili Cook-Off

     You are urged to participate in the annual fun fundraiser event to be held Sat. Feb. 17 at the St. Irene Activities Center starting after the 5:00 PM Mass.  The event, as noted has a long history, being sponsored by the grade school athletic association for many years.  Council 6710 is a $250 sponsor … [Read more…]

Feb. 11, 2024—28th KC Super Bowl Raffle & Party

      You are once again invited to participate in the annual Knights of Columbus Super Bowl Raffle to be held on Feb. 11, 2024 during the Super Bowl game.  The Raffle is a major fundraiser for the St. Irene Knights of Columbus Council   It is a 50-50 cash raffle with half of the proceeds awarded … [Read more…]