Feb. 7, 2021—Virtual KC Super Bowl Raffle & Party

     You are invited to participate in the 25th Annual Knights of Columbus Super Bowl Raffle to be on Feb. 7, 2021 during the Super Bowl game.  The Raffle is a major fundraiser for the St. Irene Knights of Columbus Council.   It is a 50-50 cash raffle with half of the proceeds awarded to participants, … [Read more…]

Intellectual Disability Drive Fund Distribution Announced

     As was previously announced in the December Knight’s News $4950.13 was raised for distribution in the drive.  The only cost of the drive was costs assessed by GoFundMe of $154.87.      The distribution of these funds is as follows: Cupertino Group Home, Warrenville $2455.12 Special Camps, Winfield $1000,00 Western DuPage Special Recreation $1000.00 Illinois … [Read more…]