St. Irene Sunday Masses & Reconciliation Info

Saturday Reconciliation at St. Irene’s      Starting Aug. 1, Fr. Clive will be doing “Drive-Thru” reconciliations on Saturdays from 3:30-4:30 PM. He will be seated outside in front of church. Simply drive-up, follow directions from traffic monitors, stay in your car, and wear your mask. No direct contact.   Sunday Masses at 10:00 AM      … [Read more…]

Fr. Clive Otieno Our New Pastor

The St. Irene Council of the Knights of Columbus Welcomes Fr. Clive! He has arrived to begin his term as Pastor of St. Irene Parish as of July 1, 2020. He has a lot on his plate, especially getting our Parish open once again to Masses and other church functions. We will ask him to … [Read more…]

Contribute to Fr. Jim’s Retirement Fund

Fr. Jim Antiporek will retire as Pastor of St. Irene’s on June 15. He has been Pastor since 1999, Chaplain of our Council for as many years, and Chaplain of the Bishop Blanchette Assembly since its inception.        In Recognition of his service to the Parish and the Knights of Columbus, Council 6710 wishes … [Read more…]

COVID-19 Coronavirus Outbreak Continues to force Closure and Cancellation of all Church and KC Council functions for the foreseeable future

     Stay at home! Stay safe! This is the common message being heard from Supreme Knight Carl Anderson, Joliet Diocese Bishop Richard Pates, our Pastor Fr. Jim Antiporek, and our Governor J.B. Pritzker. New cases are still on the rise. Please pray for those who are afflicted with the virus, and especially pray for the … [Read more…]