COVID-19 Coronavirus Outbreak forces Closure and Cancellation of all Church and KC Council functions for the foreseeable future

     Stay at home! Stay safe! This is the common message being heard from Supreme Knight Carl Anderson, Joliet Diocese Bishop Richard Pates, our Pastor Fr. Jim Antiporek, and our Governor J.B. Pritzker. At the time of this writing, new cases are still on the rise. It is not yet known how virulent the disease … [Read more…]

Fr. Jim Antiporek Announces His Retirement

     Fr. Jim, Pastor since 1999, on Sunday, Mar. 8, announced that he will retire as Pastor of St. Irene as of June 15.      He will be moving to serve as Chaplain at Rosary Hill Retirement Home in Justice, IL. The Home is owned and operated by the Dominican Sisters of Hawthorne. The Home … [Read more…]

Mar. 11 2020 – Due to Coronavirus Concerns Council Activities Suspended Until Further Notice

We just received a message from Supreme Knight Carl Anderson issuing safety guidelines for the coronavirus outbreak.  Please read his letter: March 11, 2020 Dear Fraternal Leader, The Knights of Columbus is carefully monitoring the coronavirus situation and its impact on the Order. Since the virus is spread by personal contact, containment efforts stress social … [Read more…]