June 30—KC and Ladies Auxiliary Family Picnic

     Officers of our Council and Ladies Auxiliary for the next fraternal year will be installed immediately following the 5:00 PM Mass on June 30 at St. Irene Church. A Family Picnic will follow at the home of Pat Kemp (2S450 Center Ave., Warrenville).      No RSVP necessary! Your whole Family is invited to attend. … [Read more…]

Sir Knight Phil Kemp Passes to Eternal Life May 28

With sadness in our hearts, we announce that Sir Knight Philip Kemp died May 28, after suffering a heart attack.  Condolences go out to Phil’s Family, especially to his wife Pat.  Both Phil and Pat have been very active parishioners at St. Irene’s.  Phil was active on the Parish Council and as an officer in … [Read more…]

June 3—Council to Host 1st, 2nd & 3rd Degree

Sunday, 1:00 PM 1st Degree, 2nd & 3rd Degrees Follow      First Degree Members—If you have not yet taken your 2nd or 3rd degree, please consider doing so. Third Degree members—You are encouraged to ask a prospective member to take the 1st degree at this ceremony.      The degree ceremonies will be held in the … [Read more…]

May 26—Council to Host KC Academy

     The Illinois State Council K.C. Academy is proud to present a training session on “Duties and Responsibilities of Council Officers and Directors”.       This session is intended to assist new and current council officers in understanding their duties. This training is also applicable to program and membership directors. Training will also include how to … [Read more…]

Pat Kemp St. Irene Woman of the Year

St. Irene Council of Catholic Women is very pleased to announce that Pat Kemp has been named our 2018 CCW Woman of the Year.  Pat has been an active member of St. Irene Parish for many years and has devoted her time and talents in so many of our Ministries. She is an active member … [Read more…]