Aug. 16—Cupertino Annual Community BBQ
Cupertino Home for adults with Intellectual Disabilities (3S570 Warren Ave, Warrenville, across from St. Irene Grade School) is hosting a BBQ at their home on Wed. Aug. 16 from 5:00—7:00 … [Read more…]
Cupertino Home for adults with Intellectual Disabilities (3S570 Warren Ave, Warrenville, across from St. Irene Grade School) is hosting a BBQ at their home on Wed. Aug. 16 from 5:00—7:00 … [Read more…]
The Warrenville 2017 July 4th celebration should be a lot of fun. A detailed listing of events is located on the City of Warrenville site. Follow this link:2017 City … [Read more…]
Sir Knights will once again be marching in the Warrenville Fourth-of-July Parade held each year the evening of July 3. The theme of the parade is “Fifty Golden Years”. … [Read more…]
KC Members, Families and Guests you are invited to attend at Family picnic on Saturday June 24 at the home of Brother Knight Phil Kemp. The picnic is scheduled to … [Read more…]
In Memoriam It is with great sadness that we announce the passing on June 1 of Sir Knight Robert “Dr. Bob” Geary, DPM. Bob, age 57, is survived … [Read more…]