Mar. 16-17—Mercy Home “March For Kids” Fundraiser

Mercy Home for Boys and Girls “March for Kids” fundraiser is being substituted for our participating in the “Mass at Mercy Home” TV audience.  The Mass no longer has live participation.       We plan to collect donations from the parish on St. Patrick’s Day Weekend on March 16-17 outside the church doors.  We have official green … [Read more…]


Come join fellow Knights and parishioners at the Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) annual MobilePack event, FEED THE NEED ILLINOIS, at Benedictine University’s Dan and Ada Rice Center located on campus at 5700 College Drive in Lisle on Sunday, March 3, 2024, from 10:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon. We will be packing food for needy … [Read more…]

Results of Feb. 3 Knights of Columbus Youth Free Throw Challenge

Here are the winners, and their number of winning baskets, of the St. Irene Knights of Columbus Free Trow Competition  held on Saturday, February 3.                                     Age Bracket                            Baskets Brock Farmer                          9                                  5 Sophia Hansen                       9                                  3 Jack D.                                    10                                6  (Won tie breaking contest:  9 out of 15) Declan Duffy                          11                                … [Read more…]

Feb. 11—28th KC Super Bowl Raffle & Party

      You are once again invited to participate in the annual Knights of Columbus Super Bowl Raffle to be held Feb. 11, during the Super Bowl game.  Ticket sales continue.  To date we have sold 225 of the allotted 300 tickets.  Last year we sold all 300.  Let’s do it again!  We have been approved … [Read more…]